Dedicated Account Management
Discretionary Trading, With Global Expertise
Your personal and confidential review, which defines how much you have to invest, your risk tolerance, and how long you want to stay invested, can be completed online or with assistance from your portfolio manager.
The results of your risk review determine your investment mandate, which becomes the contract and parameters for how our team of global investment professionals manages your account.
You’ll also have a personal advisor in your corner, answering your questions, providing you with reporting, and helping you with any insurance or retirement planning you may need.
The relationship between the advisor and the portfolio manager is considered a referral arrangement. Your portfolio manager oversees your portfolio, makes trades on your behalf, and ensures you stay on track to reaching your goals. And, your advisor works with you, providing you with hands-on support.
This model provides you with the best of both worlds: personal service and dedicated investment management—with only your best interests in mind.
Discretionary Management Of Your Customized Personal Portfolio
Once you give Braeheid’s group of portfolio managers the authority to provide ongoing management of your investments based on your objectives and risk tolerance, they will make transactional decisions on your behalf without needing approval from you for each transaction. This will free up your time to focus on what matters most to you.
Our Pledge To You: Fiduciary Responsibility
BRAEHEID only uses portfolio managers that have a fiduciary duty to act with care, honesty, and in your best interest. Our portfolio managers’ investment decisions are independent, free of bias, conflict-free, and centred around helping you achieve your financial goals.
Account Mandates
For All Types Of Investors
Below are examples of the mandates BRAEHEID has been expertly providing to clients, some since 2003 through our dedicated referral process.
Learn more about which portfolio type might be best for you:
Core: A mix of Canadian and global content
Global: Moderate to high placement outside Canada
Focus/Opportunity: Anywhere, anytime
Types of Investment Accounts
Braeheid offers all investment account types:
Personal open and registered (RRSP, RRIF, RESP, LIRA, LIF)
Family In-Trust-For (ITF)
Professional Corporation Accounts
Ready To Open An Account And Have Your Money Professionally Managed?
Within minutes, you can easily connect your bank account to your investment account to securely transfer your initial deposit, ad hoc top-ups, or establish automated monthly deposits, with just a few easy clicks.
Not ready?
"I didn't realize the level of professional expertise that was available to me! Having the former chairman and CIO of a global bank & his team personally manage my account is amazing!"